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Tamarind in Thailand September 3, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — moobeer @ 4:17 am

Tamarind Pods


The Tamarind Tree from which the 6 to 8 inch long bean-like pods grow is believed to be native to Tropical East Africa and thereafter introduced in India, the West Indies and South East Asia. Although the pods are related to the vegetable order they are treated more as a fruit. The name of the fruit originates from the Arabic word Tamar meaning a dry date fruit and it was the Arabs in India who gave the name Tamar-Hindito the tree.

The pods begin adolescent life lean and green and as time progresses they enter adulthood somewhat fatter and sport a mature sandy brown colour. Inside the pod you will find shiny black seeds covered in sticky dark brown pulp. The pulp is the real treasure and not only is it nutritious and healthy, it is one of the essential ingredient used in hot and sour Thai soup recipes.

What tamarind pulp lacks in aroma, it unquestionably makes up in flawless flavour. When fully developed it has a piquant and sour taste but without the bitterness. It is widely used as a souring agent and can be delightfully fruity and refreshing at times despite having a high tartaric acid content.

It is available in a variety of forms. Compressed blocks and dried slices of the product have been around for quite a while but it is possible to obtain jars of the fresh produce as well as cartons of concentrate and paste. It is also one of the ingredients in the highly prized Worcestershire Sauce.

Sticky Brown Pulp

Health Benefits

1)It is an good source of antioxidants to help in the fight against cancer

2) It helps reduce fevers and protects against colds and flu

3) It assists in digestion

4) It helps in the treatment of bile disorders

5) It acts as a mild laxative

6) It lowers cholesterol

7) It helps to maintain a healthy heart

8)It helps ease soar throats

9) It helps ease inflammation when applied to the skin

10) It protect against vitamin C deficiency

Dietary Benefits

1)It’s a great source of vitamin C and the B vitamins

2) It contains carotene a strong coloured red-orange pigment abundant in plants and fruits

3) It contains flavonoids which are the natural nutrients found in foods of plant origin and play a potentially advantageous role in the prevention and treatment of disease thus necessary to sustain human life.


Tamarind Paste

Preperation and Culinary Uses

Compressed Tamarind looks remarkably similar to a packet of dried dates and comes in solid block form. In preparation for that special Thai recipe you have always wanted to fashion, simply tear off a small piece enough to enhance the flavour of the dish. Soak the piece in a cup of hot water for about 10 minutes. The seeds will eventually be released from the pulp.

Use a strainer and strain the juice into a bowl then discard the contents of the strainer and use the liquid as required. If for any reason you made too much, store the rest in the refrigerator and use later for another recipe.

The dried variety resembles a little like that of dried apple slices only a lot darker. For cooking purposes place a few pieces into a bowl then pour hot water over them and leave to soak for about 30 minutes or so to extract the flavour. Squeeze the slices with your fingers then strain the juice.

If using the concentrate or paste version, mix one tablespoon with half a cup of warm water and stir until dissolved then use as and when required.

For storage purposes you can keep both the dried slices and compressed variety in any cool dry place but any jars containing fresh, concentrate
or paste must be kept in the refrigerator once they have been opened.


Compressed Tamarind



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