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Hot Chilli Peppers September 3, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — moobeer @ 2:36 am


 Some like it HotRed


 Chilli Peppers where originally native to Central America before the great explorer Christopher Columbus discovered the splendid spicy herb in Mexico and introduced them to Europe. The chilli fame then rapidly spread around the world and very soon the hot relish was being cultivated in Africa, India and South East Asia. Chillies have become an integral part in Thai cuisine.
Sweet peppers and chillies belong to the same genus known as capsicum and there are scores attached to the Thai family including the fiery bird’s eye. As with sweet peppers, most chillies start life green and then ripen to a rich red colour while others change from yellow to red and finally brown or even black. What might appear to be an assortment of chillies could easily turn out to be the same type of chilli in varying degrees of ripening.

It matters not whether the size or colour of chillies are a sure indication to their hotness as some green ones can actually be hotter than red ones as are large chillies peppers sometimes hotter than small ones and vice versa. They can easily range in size from mere millimeters to 12-inch monsters.

Although flavour is just as important, heat however is a quality most closely associated with chillies. The degree of heat can vary from very mild to downright explosive. Removing the seeds and pithy membrane where most of the heat resides, can subdue the intensity considerably.

It is perhaps a myth to think that chillies grown in hot climatic conditions tend to be hotter than those grown in cooler climatic conditions as it is a paradox to think that it’s perfect to consume spicy food in cooler countries other than their hotter counterparts. The fact is, chillies actually promotes cooling because they encourage blood to rush to the surface of the skin.


 Green Jalapeño Chillies


 Health Benefits of Chilli Peppers

Chilli peppers contain capsaicin the chemical that makes chillies hot and is known to inhibit neuropeptide, substance P which is found in the brain and spinal cord and associated with inflammatory processes and pain. Chillies are exceedingly healthy for you and for this reason they should perpetually be included as a regular nutrient in foodstuffs whether sweet or savoury.
1) Chillies helps in fighting migraine headaches and sinus headaches

2) Chillies contains anti-bacterial properties to help fight chronic sinus infections thereby preventing sinusitis while clearing nasal congestion

3) Chillies helps in the treatment of prostate cancer

4) Chillies helps in lowering high blood pressure

5) Chillies helps fight inflammation of the bowel

6) Chillies helps fight intestinal disorders

7) Chillies helps prevent stomach ulcers

8)Chillies helps protect your heart by reducing cholesterol

9) Chillies helps protect you from possible strokes

10) Chillies helps inflammation thereby ideal for treating arthritis


Chilli Pepper Sauce


How to make Chilli Paste

 Although ready-made chilli paste is sold throughout the world, it is just as easy to make your own at home. Want to give it a go! Simply halve then seed some fresh chillies and place them into the bowl of a food possessor and press the button. In no time at all you will have hot and spicy paste.
If you like, add a coarsely chopped onion to give the paste extra bulk. You can store small amounts of the chilli paste in the refrigerator for as much as one week. For longer storage, you can put some paste into a sealed container and freeze for up to six months.


How to make Curried Chilli Relish

Take about one pound or half a kilogram of mixed green and red chillies and using a mortar and pestle, grind them finely. If you prefer the relish to be slightly chunky, that’s also okay. Add a little vinegar to the mixture.
Once completed, preheat 375 milliliters of olive oil and when hot, add one tablespoon of mustard seeds and one tablespoon of curry leaves and all the ground chilli. Getting a tad excited already are you! Well there’s more.

Add one and a half ounces or 100 grams of pickle masala with a teaspoon of sugar, a little salt to taste and a tablespoon of tamarind paste. Allow to cool then spoon mixture into a sterilized bottle and store in a refrigerator.


Hot Chilli Relish



How to make Sriracha Chilli Sauce

So you want to create the special Sriracha hot chilli sauce made famous in Thailand do you! First halve and seed 250 grams or 4 ounces of fresh red chilli peppers and place them in a mortar and using a pestle grind them up. Slice half a kilogram or 8 ounces of fresh red tomatoes into small sections and add to the chillies then continue pounding. Remove and set aside.
Add one tablespoon of olive or canola oil in a saucepan and preheat to a medium temperature. Peel 4 to 6 garlic cloves and roughly chop them up then add to saucepan and lightly brown. Add 1 tablespoon Soy Sauce, 4 tablespoons rice vinegar and 4 tablespoons sugar and continue simmering for 10 minutes until all the mixture thickens. Remove from heat source and allow to cool. Transfer to a blender and puree until completely smooth.

Place in a sterilized bottle or airtight container. The sauce is best used the day after it’s made and good for as much as two weeks when refrigerated.


Deseeding Chillies




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