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Fresh and Dried Curry Leaves September 3, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — moobeer @ 2:12 am

Fresh Curry Leaves





Curry Leaves can be identified by their pear-shaped deep shiny green colour and slightly serrated edges. Very much like small bay leaves. The underside of the leave is however a little paler in colour. The small curry tree from which the leaves are derived, grows to a height of around six metres and is a type of hardwood indigenous to India and Sri Lanka but later introduced to Malaysia and Thailand. They now grow extensively in the rich tropical regions all around South East Asia.
The fresh leaves have a rather intriguing warm charismatic fragrance with a hint of green pepper and tangerine and when bruised the full aromatic extract comes into play. When added to Thai curry dishes they infuse a distinctive taste sensation that can only described as genuinely delicious. Dried curry leaves on the other hand, tend to lose their fragrance rapidly.

There is a possibility you may have to purchase the fresh and dry variety of curry leaf from an oriental bazaar or store as you may not find any in a western shop or supermarket. Fresh leaves will keep for several days in the vegetable compartment of your refrigerator providing you wrap them up carefully. This will prevent their distinctive flavour being transferred to other items. Alternatively open-freeze the leaves and then transfer them to a plastic container. Because dried leaves do not have as good a taste, look out for vacuum-packed ones as they have better colour and flavour.

Dried Curry Leaves


Health Benefits and Healing Powers


 1) The fresh tender leaves are great as a herbal tonic for strengthening various functions of the stomach and sometimes acts as a mild laxative.
2) The fine paste extracted from dried leaves and mixed with buttermilk are beneficial in the relief of stomach upsets when taken before a meal.


3) A teaspoon of the juice extracted from fresh tender leaves mixed with a teaspoon of honey and used as a tea has medicinal properties effective in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and piles.


4) A teaspoon of the juice extracted from fresh tender leaves mixed with a teaspoon of lime juice and used as tea has medicinal properties effective in treating morning sickness, nausea and vomiting due to indigestion and the excessive use of fats.


5) Juice extracted from the root of the curry plant has medicinal properties effective in relieving pain associated with the kidneys.


6) Fresh tender leaves can be effective when applied as a poultice to help in the treatment of burns, bruises and various other skin irritations.


7) The suffusion of juice extracted from fresh tender leaves over the eyes helps in a similar manner as commercial eye drops to aid in a fresh brighter appearance. It is also believed to help assist in the prevention of early cataract development.

8)The berries of the curry plant produce a juice that together with a similar amount of lime juice is an effective external treatment for insect bites and other creepy crawlies.


9) Properties extracted from fresh tender leaves is believed to help nourish the hair roots thus beneficial in preventing the premature greying of hair.

Curry Powder



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