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Thai Basil Herb Species September 2, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — moobeer @ 1:32 pm

Sweet Basil

Basil is one of the oldest herbs known to mankind but it is Thai Basil that is widely used in Thailand. There are however numerous plant species of basil grown around the country and now obtainable in supermarkets and oriental shops throughout the western world. The lemon scented hairy basil, sweet basil and holy basil are all known varieties of the herb found in Thailand.

Thai Basil also known as Oriental Basil or Asian Basil, a close cousin of sweet basil is frequently used in Thai cuisine. This particular basil is often referred to as anise or licorice basil because of it’s unique taste sensation

Sweet Basil or Bai Horapa found in abundance in the west comes close to the Mediterranean variety. The leaves are a shiny deep green colour and arranged on purple-hued stems. They also have a faint aniseed taste
and when added to curries and salads, they impart a fresh spicy flavour.

Holy Basil or Bai Krapow is another type of sweet basil that has rather dull narrow green leaves which tend to have serrated red or purple edges. They also have a much more pungent flavour when added to spicy dishes.

Hairy Basil or Bai Manglak is a lemon-scented basil that has a slightly peppery taste. It’s seldom seen outside Thailand as it does not travel well.

Lemon scented Hairy Basil


Health Benefits

1) Basil has plenty of powerful antioxidants to potentially protect your body from damage caused by toxins and free radicals.
2) Basil helps prevent memory loss associated with old age.
3) Basil helps in the treatment of constipation, stomach cramps, indigestion and flatulence when used as a tea.
4) Basil together with thyme helps in the prevention of food poisoning when added to both cooked and uncooked foods.
5) The essential oil in basil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
6) The essential oil in basil helps in the fight against inflammation thereby ideal for treating arthritis.
7) The essential oil in basil has an anti vomiting agent to help suppress vomiting caused from sea and other motion sicknesses.
8) The essential oil in basil has effective properties to provide relief from colds, influenza, whooping cough, asthma, bronchitis and sinus infections.
9) The essential oil in basil is effective in helping stress related problems and provides a calming effect when used in aromatherapy massage.



Thai Basil

Spicy Squid with Sweet Basil


Preparation and Storage

Whether adding basil to cooked foods or salads, avoid chopping the leaves but rather strip them from their stems and either tear them into pieces or add them whole. It’s as simple as that. To store them, wrap bunches of basil in paper towels and then place in the vegetable compartment of your refrigerator or alternatively stand them up in a jug or cylindrical bowl half full of water and cover with a lid or plastic bag. They will last a few days.

Growing Thai Basil

If you have difficulty in finding fresh supplies of basil for that Thai Recipe you want to create, it might be worth considering growing your own from seed, There are lots of garden and hardware markets all over the world selling a full range of the Thai basil variety. Basil is a herb that can grow well in all sorts of hot climates apart from the Nevada or Sahara deserts of course. You start them off in pots on a warm window sill and keep moving them should there be a threat of frost. Basil can also grow in your garden.




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