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Cilantro and Coriander September 2, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — moobeer @ 1:55 pm


Cilantro is an edible herb known as Pak Chee in Thailand and Coriander in most western countries. It is also sometimes known as Chinese Parsley. This particular herb was originally a native of southern Europe and derived it’s name from the Greek word Koris, meaning a bug. Apparently this was because the plant typified a smell similar to that of bed bugs. Bed bugs!!! Although fresh cilantro does have a rather pungent flavour it’s considered by many to be quite fragrant, rather tangy if not a little peppery in taste.


Cilantro Leaves, Stems and Roots

Health Benefits

The health benefits derived from this wonderful plant are insurmountable.

1) It helps protect against certain viral and bacterial infections

2) It is beneficial in helping control blood sugar levels

3) It helps fight inflammation and free radicals.

4) It lowers bad cholesterol level (LDL) and raises good cholesterol (HDL)

5) It helps aid indigestion and settles the stomach

6) It helps protect against urinary tract infection

7) It relives intestinal gas and prevents flatulence

8) It helps in preventing nausea

9) It rids the body of heavy metals such as mercury, lead and aluminium

Dietary Source

The dietary source derived from the herb are excellent for your well-being.

1) It’s a great source of fiber

2) It’s a great source of iron

3) It’s a great source of magnesium

4) It’s Rich in phytonutrients and flavonoids

What are phytonutrients and flavonoids! They are natural nutrients found in foods of plant origin and play a potentially advantageous role in the prevention and treatment of disease thus necessary to sustain human life.


Ground Coriander

Culinary and Cooking Techniques

Thai’s utilize every single part of the plant including the stems and roots in their cooking preparation. The leaves are frequently used in noodle dishes, stir-fries and soups but are often used to garnish many other foodstuffs. The stems and roots will be used for additional flavouring and the seeds will be grounded and used to make curries and various other spicy pastes.

You may not always be able to find cilantro with the roots still attached in most western markets as they are usually removed before reaching their destination. Unless of course, you are able to grow your own or you are able to locate a nearby source, you may have to be content with cooking with just the leaves. Feel free however, to utilize the very bottom portion of the stems for that extra seasoning. Remember every little bit counts.


Coriander Seeds

Some Useful Tips

Here are a few things you may wish to memorize when preparing or storing fresh or ground coriander. First and foremost, do not overcook the leaves for too long a time as they are prone to losing their firmness and may even become a little unappetizing. It is always better to add them to any recipe towards the very end of the cooking session. It is also preferable to retain the beauty of the serrated leaves in their whole form rather than chopping them up too finely. The fresh coriander leaves make a wonderful garnish.

Fresh Cilantro

Although fresh cilantro may not keep for more than a day or two at very best, you can put the leaves, stems and roots in a cylindrical bowl or jar of cold water and cover with a lid or plastic bag. That way, the plant will keep fresher for a little longer. If you are able to buy the plant with all it’s roots still attached, then clean the roots and place them in the freezer.

Ground Coriander

Although dried coriander seeds keep well, ground coriander loses it’s aroma and flavor fairly rapidly so it’s best not to store too big a quantity. If you would like to prepare a recipe requiring ground coriander, my suggestion is to either grind your own or purchase a small amount that has been freshly prepared. Try finding a market specializing in spices near where you live. Buy enough for immediate use and only then replenish whenever needed.

If making you own ground coriander, you first need to dry-fry some seeds in a heavy-based skittle tossing them frequently until the seeds give off a rich spicy aroma. Place the seeds into a mortar and using a pestle, pound the seeds into a smooth powder. Alternatively you can use either a spice grinder or an electric coffee grinder especially reserved for blending spices.


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